April 22, 2015

April Update

Over the past few weeks we have been very busy in Room 12! Mrs. Meneze, our student Early Childhood Educator has been a great help in our room and has introduced us to different ways to capture the season of Spring that is in full effect. Check out some of our artistic creations on our Twitter feed!

We have also been hard at work during Literacy getting ready for Senior Kindergarten and Grade One. Many of us are writing using lots of kid-friendly strategies in our journals every week and are adding more and more sight words to our reading skills!

In Math, we are still having small group Number Talks to help us learn about subitizing (‘just knowing’ the value a quantity) and to strengthen our ‘counting up’ and ‘counting on’ skills. We are also learning about probability and have determined that it just a fancy word that means, “maybe something will happen or maybe it won’t” as noted by JP during a whole class discussion. We have started using spinners to further our understanding about probability and in the picture below, you can see that we are using our math skills to determine what colour ‘might’ be the winner.